Podcast PD
Podcast PD is an asynchronous and new format for professional development and learning that is being offered by North Dakota United. You listen and reflect as time allows without having to meet weekly deadlines, meet in person, or access Zoom meetings.
Podcast PD allows educators to make personal choices for their learning based on their content area and professional interests while helping them to earn up to five credits.
With six different podcasts to choose from you can choose any of the sessions that relate to education, professional interest, content that work for you. Each session requires a reflection paper and seven sessions and reflections equal one credit. Participants can mix and match podcasts to meet the requirements for credit.
The six podcasts that can be used for credit:
Sold a Story (Science of Reading based) Podcast
The Educator’s Room: The Teacher Self-Care Podcast
Those Who Can’t Do Podcast
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
The Creative Class with John Spence Podcast
Too Dope Teachers Podcast